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  1. City Football Group is the world's leading private owner and operator of football clubs – with 13 football clubs across five continents within the CFG family.

  2. El City Football Group Limited (CFG) es una sociedad de cartera que administra clubes de fútbol. El grupo es propiedad de tres organizaciones; de los cuales el 78% es propiedad mayoritaria del Abu Dhabi United Group, el 10% de la firma estadounidense Silver Lake y el 12% de las firmas chinas China Media Capital y CITIC Group. 1 2 .

  3. City Football Group Limited (CFG) is a British-based holding company that administers association football clubs.

  4. 9 de abr. de 2024 · Una red de ojeadores global. El City Football Group facilita las estrategias deportivas y comerciales del Manchester City con el resto de clubes que lo integran, y junto con una...

  5. City Football Group is the world's leading private owner and operator of football clubs – with total or partial ownership of 13 worldwide. Established in May 2013, the CFG approach ensures that every club remains authentic to its fans and community, plays entertaining football and benefits from being part of a global organisation that applies the world's best expertise on and off the pitch.

  6. City Football Group is the world's leading private owner and operator of football clubs – with 13 football clubs across five continents within the CFG family. Established in May 2013, the CFG approach ensures that every club remains authentic to its fans and community, plays entertaining football and benefits from being part of a global ...

  7. 1 de mar. de 2024 · Los equipos que integran el City Football Group (CFG) Repasamos los clubes en los cuáles fue invirtiendo el grupo multinacional desde que se creo hace ya varios años.