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Learn about the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door, created by Tom Warburton and aired on Cartoon Network. Find out the premise, history, development, trivia and more of the show about a global organization of children fighting adult tyranny.
Una serie de dibujos animados sobre cinco niños que luchan contra la tiranía de adultos y adolescentes como parte de Kids Next Door. Conoce su origen, personajes, episodios, derivados y recepción en este artículo de Wikipedia.
Learn about the animated series that follows the adventures of five children who fight against adult and teenage tyranny with 2x4 technology. Find out the characters, episodes, spin-offs, and cultural impact of this Cartoon Network show.
IMDb provides information and ratings for the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door, about a group of ten-year-old spies fighting for children's rights. See the cast, crew, episodes, trivia, awards, and more.
Here's another full episode from one of our legacy shows to keep the 30th anniversary celebration going!
Joined by a mysterious Kids Next Door International Operative, the Kids Next Door journey to the Arctic in their sno-sub to steal a weather control device from a scientist they believe is obsessed with putting an end to snow days.
A comprehensive wiki for the animated series Codename: Kids Next Door, featuring characters, episodes, categories and images. Learn about the secret organization of kids who fight against adult evil and join the community of editors and fans.