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  1. 19 de abr. de 2014 · A car could crash into them. A plane could crash onto them. "onto" means that something comes from above. Does that help? _____ Note that a car could crash onto them if it fell from a bridge, say. A plane could crash into them if it was taxiing along the runway.

  2. 1 de jun. de 2021 · Hello, everyone! I have taken an online English test provided by a university from English speaking country. The question is It wasn't a bad crash and ... damage was done to my car. a. little b. small c. light d. mere My questions is what is the difference(s) between little, small, light, and...

  3. 26 de abr. de 2014 · Hello! I'm not quite sure as to which preposition should go with ''take a course'' I have heard: I'm going to take a course in Physics I'm going to take a course on diamonds Also, He gave me a crash course on how to cook Spanish dishes thanks so much for your help

  4. 27 de jun. de 2016 · últimamente se ha puesto de moda decir "dar un zasca" (Y entonces le di un zasca) o simplemente "zasca", casi como interjección. El significado es parecido a "dar un corte a alguien" (to cut s/o short), pero tiene un sentido más onomatopéyico. En el diccionario lo traducen como bang!, crash!, pero no me convencen del todo.

  5. 6 de ene. de 2014 · - Share prices are falling — A market crash seems likely // A market crash looks likely. But: - His voice is very nasal — It seems he has a cold // It sounds as if he has a cold.. [Not "It looks"] - The heating must be off — It seems cold in here // It feels cold in here.. [Not "It looks"]

  6. 29 de oct. de 2010 · Hello, I am trying to title a series of condolence letters. Which of the following expressions would be correct, please: Condolences for Italian soldiers' death in Afghanistan Condolences over wife's death Condolences on the death of former President / upon the death of ? Thanks a...

  7. 13 de feb. de 2013 · The following is from a book with ECPE Practice Tests from Grivas Publications. In an effort to ally residents' fears, officials said there was no _____ danger to people in the area. a. eminent b. imminent c. impending d. prospective The correct answer is b. imminent. I understand why a and...

  8. 6 de oct. de 2023 · For example, "put your life in another person's hands." I'm talking about not keeping the safety distance when driving. You are at the mercy of the other driver, since if this brakes, you just will crash into him or her. Is my sentence English or did I just translated it literally? Thanks so much in advance folks! Oscar

  9. pam-crash是法国esi集团用于汽车碰撞有限元分析的软件,一直在用它做碰撞分析,以及汽车安全分析;没用过ls-dyna,目前pam-crash在汽车安全方面内嵌了欧洲ncap和美国nhtsa评判标准,而且在假人的模型上可供选择的也很多。独立的求解器,是相对比较快捷的。

  10. 27 de oct. de 2024 · oggi ho upgradato la ram del mio computer da due stick da 8gb crucial Ballistix 3200Mhz c16 a 4 stick da 8gb corasir Vengeance pro rgb 3200Mhz c16 (CMW16GX4M2C3200C16). Ho una scheda madre asus PRIME b450 plus, sono riuscito a far funzionare il computer impostando la ram a 2133Mhz e funziona...

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