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El crucero de Zaca (C) es un documental dirigido por Errol Flynn. Año: 1952. Título original: Cruise of the Zaca. Sinopsis: El actor Errol Flynn lleva a un grupo de científicos de la Institución de Oceanografía Scripps en una expedición a los Mares del Sur a bordo de su goleta, La Zaca.Puedes ver El crucero de Zaca (C) mediante en las plataformas:
Cruise of the Zaca es una película estrenada en el año 1952 dirigida por Errol Flynn . Está protagonizada por Errol Flynn, Carl L. Hubbs, Laura Hubbs...Actor Errol Flynn takes a group of scientists from the California Institute of Oceanography on an expedition to the South Seas aboard his ...
Cruise of the Zaca: Directed by Errol Flynn. With Errol Flynn, Carl L. Hubbs, Laura Hubbs, Theodore Flynn. Actor Errol Flynn takes a group of scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on an expedition to the South Seas aboard his schooner, The Zaca.
Cruise of the Zaca is a short documentary on 16mm about a trip taken by Errol Flynn in 1946 on his boat the Zaca to collect specimens with his father, Professor Theodore Thomson Flynn, an eminent marine biologist. [1]
Reparto completo de Cruise of the Zaca (1952) incluyendo actores, actrices, directores y equipo técnico.
Stream 'Cruise of the Zaca' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's...
A short film by Errol Flynn. Flynn purchased the Zaca after WWII and restored her as his private party yacht. In 1952 Flynn directed and narrated this documentary…
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