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Hace 8 horas · High-end Korean Online Shopping Mall
Hace 1 día · Venture capital (VC) is a form of private equity financing provided by firms or funds to startup, early-stage, and emerging companies, that have been deemed to have high growth potential or that have demonstrated high growth in terms of number of employees, annual revenue, scale of operations, etc. Venture capital firms or funds invest in these early-stage companies in exchange for equity, or ...
Hace 8 horas · ZRENJANIN - Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić prisustvovaće danas svečanoj ceremoniji pokretanja serijske proizvodnje u kineskoj fabrici Linglong u Zrenjaninu. Ceremonija će početi u 10.00 časova, najavljeno je iz Službe za saradnju s medijima predsednika Srbije. Kompanija Linglong International Europe otvoriće u Zrenjaninu fabriku ...
Hace 1 día · On Wednesday, Russia emphasized that its partnership with China is not aimed at third countries, but warned that the two powers could "unite their potential" if faced with a threat from the United States. This statement comes amid heightened tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, where the U.S. is considering deploying missile systems.
Hace 1 día · JAKARTA - Presiden Jokowi mencatat 96 negara menjadi ‘pasien’ International Monetary Fund (IMF) atau Dana Moneter Internasional. Pasalnya, puluhan negara itu mengalami krisis ekonomi yang cukup panjang. “Saudara-saudara bisa buka di google kondisi sekarang di Eropa seperti apa, di Amerika seperti apa, kondisi di beberapa negara di Afrika seperti apa, tidak mudah 96 negara masuk menjadi ...
Hace 1 día · A. A. A. IDXChannel - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mencatat ada 96 negara di dunia menjadi ‘pasien’ International Monetary Fund (IMF) atau Dana Moneter Internasional. Pasalnya, puluhan negara itu mengalami krisis ekonomi yang cukup panjang. Jokowi menyebut, kondisi di negara-negara di Eropa, Amerika Serikat (AS), dan Afrika cukup ...
Hace 1 día · Pemodal ventura Sinar Mas Land, Living Lab Ventures atau LLV, bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah New South Wales dalam program International Landing Pad. Program ini bertujuan menarik investasi global dan mendukung startup di Indonesia. Partner Living Lab Ventures Bayu Seto mengatakan, pihaknya sudah ...