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Hace 2 días · Darren Aronofsky, que viene de arrasar y triunfa en Hollywood con 'La ballena' junto a Brendan Fraser, tiene un nuevo proyecto en marcha, aunque en esta ocasión ejercerá solamente funciones de productor y supervisor. El filme, escrito y dirigido por Mark Heyman, responsable del libreto de 'Black ...
Hace 3 días · Joseph Gordon-Levitt has signed on to star in Pendulum, a new feature produced by filmmaker Darren Aronofsky and directed by Mark Heyman (Black Swan). The film will start principal photography in ...
Hace 2 días · Joseph Gordon-Levitt is set to lead the horror feature “Pendulum,” written and directed by “Black Swan” scribe Mark Heyman.. The film will be produced by Darren Aronofsky (“Black Swan ...
Hace 3 días · Joseph Gordon-Levitt is set to star in Pendulum, a chilling thriller from Black Swan writer Mark Heyman, who also directs, with Darren Aronofsky producing the picture. The movie will be produced ...
Hace 1 día · malditos-nerds-peliculas peliculas malditos-nerds Joseph Gordon Levitt Pendulum Darren Aronofsky 500 días con ella El origen Mark Heyman El cisne negro Requiem for a Dream The Whale. Más Noticias.
Hace 2 días · Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Inception, 50/50) has signed on to star in a new movie titled Pendulum that is being produced by Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler, Black Swan, The Whale).Black Swan co-writer Mark Heyman is directing as well as writing the script.. Described as a “terrifying new genre film,” the film follows the young couple Patrick (Gordon-Levitt) and Abigail on a journey to a New Age ...
Hace 1 día · Aside from American Speed, Butler will soon appear in Ari Aster’s Eddington along with Emma Stone, Pedro Pascal, and Joaquin Phoenix and Caught Stealing from Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky.