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Hace 4 días · DAYS OF HEAVEN. 製作国: アメリカ. 上映時間:95分. ジャンル: ドラマ. 3.7. あらすじ. アカデミー賞撮影賞に輝く伝説の映像美。 カンヌで監督賞を受賞したマリック監督の第2作。 監督. テレンス・マリック. 脚本. テレンス・マリック. 出演者. リチャード・ギア. ブルック・アダムス. リンダ・マンズ. サム・シェパード. ロバート・J・ウィルク. スチュアート・マーゴリン. 動画配信. 映画賞・映画祭. 関連記事. PR. 初回30日間無料. 初回31日間無料. 初回1ヶ月間無料. >>動画配信サービスの詳しい情報を見る. 2024年9月更新:最新の配信状況は各サイトでご確認ください. 『天国の日々』に投稿された感想・評価. すべての感想・評価.
Hace 2 días · Inanna's most famous myth is the story of her descent into and return from the ancient Mesopotamian underworld, ruled by her older sister Ereshkigal. After she reaches Ereshkigal's throne room, the seven judges of the underworld deem her guilty and strike her dead. Three days later, Ninshubur pleads with all the gods to bring Inanna back.
Hace 5 días · Some of the best '70s love movies are breezy romantic films. Others, like the Woody Allen films here, are among the most acclaimed films of all time. Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Play It Again, Sam are a few of the great Woody Allen movies that you will see on this 1970s romance movies list.
Hace 2 días · The crucifixion of Jesus was the death of Jesus by being nailed to a wooden cross. It occurred in 1st-century Judaea, most likely in AD 30 or AD 33. It is described in the four canonical gospels, referred to in the New Testament epistles, and later attested to by other ancient sources.
Hace 4 días · The square derives its name from the massive stone Tiananmen (“Gate of Heavenly Peace”; first constructed in 1417)—once the main gate to the Forbidden City—situated at its northern end. On a two-tiered marble terrace in the centre of the square is the Monument to the People’s Heroes (completed 1958).
Hace 3 días · Islam - Eschatology, Judgment, Afterlife: In Islamic doctrine, on the Last Day, when the world will come to an end, the dead will be resurrected and a judgment will be pronounced on every person in accordance with his deeds.
Hace 5 días · In the United States, it is a holy day of obligation (in years when it does not fall on a Saturday or Monday). What is the Assumption of Mary, how did it come to be defined, and what relevance does it have for our lives?