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  1. Biografía, filmografía y premios de la actriz estadounidense Dianne Wiest, ganadora de dos Óscar por Hannah and Her Sisters y Bullets Over Broadway. Conoce sus colaboraciones con Woody Allen, Tim Burton y otros directores.

  2. › wiki › Dianne_WiestDianne Wiest - Wikipedia

    Dianne Wiest is an American actress who has won two Academy Awards and two Emmy Awards. She is known for her roles in films by Woody Allen, such as Hannah and Her Sisters and Bullets Over Broadway, and for her TV shows Road to Avonlea and In Treatment.

  3. › name › nm0001848Dianne Wiest - IMDb

    Dianne Wiest is an Oscar-winning actress who has appeared in films by Woody Allen, Ron Howard and others. IMDb provides her personal details, photos, videos, credits, trivia and more.

  4. 28 de mar. de 2024 · Una selección de las mejores películas de la actriz secundaria de lujo y ganadora de dos Oscars, Dianne Wiest, que cumple 77 años hoy. Desde sus colaboraciones con Woody Allen hasta su papel en Law & Order, repasamos su trayectoria y su talento.

  5. Learn about the life and career of Dianne Wiest, an Oscar-winning actress who starred in Woody Allen's films and other comedies. Find out her birth date, height, family, trivia and more on IMDb.

  6. Dianne Wiest, American actress respected for her ability to convey vulnerability, her versatility, and her comic talents. She won Academy Awards for her performances in Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) and Bullets over Broadway (1994). Wiest had recurring roles on such TV shows as Law & Order.

  7. Dianne Wiest es una actriz nacida el año 1948 en Estados Unidos conocida por: Eduardo Manostijeras, Balas sobre Broadway, Yo soy Sam, Mula, La rosa púrpura de El Cairo, Días de radio, Hannah y sus hermanas, Prácticamente magia, En terapia (En tratamiento) (Serie de TV) y Una jaula de grillos