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  1. Edward Scissorhands. Bir zamanlar, nazik bir mucit, Edward adında büyüleyici bir genç adam yarattı. Ancak mucit, elleri için keskin metal makasları olan Edward'ı bitirmeden önce öldü. Edward, nazik bir Avon hanımı onu ailesiyle birlikte Suburbia topraklarında yaşamaya davet edene kadar üzgün ve yalnızdı.

  2. Thomas Valentine. ... stage crew chief: Stetson Visual Services, Inc. (as Tom Valentine) George Willis. ... key model maker: Stetson Visual Services, Inc. Dana Yuricich. ... key model maker: Stetson Visual Services, Inc.

  3. 7 de dic. de 1990 · Edward, in spite of his inherent ability to slay anyone he comes across, is a gentle soul whose only wish is to be loved. His impromptu family has, at best, a limited understanding of Edward, but he finds himself drawn to Peg's weary but sympathetic daughter, Kim (Winona Ryder), who is dating Jim (Anthony Michael Hall), the neighborhood bully.

  4. Edward Scissorhands és una pel·lícula estatunidenca de l'any 1990, dirigida per Tim Burton. Argument [ modifica ] La pel·lícula s'inicia amb una conversa col·loquial entre una àvia i la seva neta, la qual contempla a través de la finestra com cau la neu, i ella, curiosa, demana a la dona per què neva.

  5. Edward aux mains d'argent (Edward Scissorhands) est un film américain réalisé par Tim Burton, sorti en 1990. Il mêle plusieurs genres cinématographiques, le fantastique , le drame romantique et la comédie , et narre l’histoire d’un jeune homme, Edward, créé par un inventeur mais resté inachevé et qui a des ciseaux à la place des mains.

  6. 15 de ene. de 2024 · Plot Edward Scissorhands. "His scars run deep." Edward is gecreëerd door een uitvinder, die echter stierf voor hij z'n karwei af kon maken. Hierdoor heeft Edward scharen waar eigenlijk zijn handen zouden moeten zitten. Wanneer een vrouw bij zijn grote landhuis aanbelt en hem daar vindt, neemt ze hem mee naar haar huis om bij haar familie te wonen.

  7. Edward Scissorhands. Once upon a time, a kindly inventor created a charming young man named Edward. But the inventor died before he finished Edward, who had sharp metal shears for hands. Edward was sad and alone until a kind Avon lady invited him to live with her family in the fantastical land of Suburbia. Duration: 1h 45m. Release date: 1990.