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  1. David Geffen School of Drama and Yale Repertory Theatre train and advance leaders in the practice of every theatrical discipline, making art to inspire joy, empathy, and understanding in the world.

    • About Us

      In 1966, under the leadership of Dean Robert Brustein, Yale...

    • Training

      Training at the School of Drama includes classes and a range...

    • Productions

      by Suzan-Lori Parks Directed by Bobbin Ramsey University...

    • Admissions

      David Geffen School of Drama Productions. Production...

    • Alumni

      Alumni Welcome, David Geffen School of Drama Alumni! Dear...

    • Acting

      The Acting program admits talented and committed individuals...

    • Design

      Head of Projection at David Geffen School of Drama at Yale,...

    • Directing

      Bradley James Tejeda (’16) and Shaunette Renée Wilson (’16)...

  2. In 1966, under the leadership of Dean Robert Brustein, Yale Repertory Theatre was founded as part of David Geffen School of Drama, establishing a complementary relationship between conservatory and professional practice similar to that of a medical school and a teaching hospital.

  3. David Geffen School of Drama Productions. Production activity is central to the training in all programs, featuring significant engagement opportunities at the School, Yale Repertory Theatre, and Yale Cabaret each season.

  4. The David Geffen School of Drama at Yale offers a Master of Fine Arts in acting, design, sound design, directing, dramaturgy and dramatic criticism, playwriting, stage management, technical design and production, and theatre management.

  5. Con la eliminación de la colegiatura, los aspirantes a artistas pueden soñar con asistir a la Escuela de Teatro David Geffen en la Universidad de Yale y convertirse en leyendas vivientes como muchos antes que ellos.

  6. La Escuela de Arte Dramático de Yale tiene un récord insuperable en cuanto a la graduación de actores que acaban siendo nominados a los premios Tony. La escuela de la Ivy League recibe unas 1.000 solicitudes de audición al año y sólo acepta entre 15 y 17 estudiantes.

  7. 2 de jul. de 2021 · 01 Jul 2021, 22:33 PM EDT. David Geffen, uno de los hombres de negocios más famosos de Hollywood, está donando $150 millones de dólares a la Escuela de Drama de Yale. El regalo hará que la...