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Ester Ledecká is a Czech athlete who won two gold medals in different sports at the 2018 Winter Olympics: super-G in alpine skiing and parallel giant slalom in snowboarding. She is the first person to achieve this feat and the first Czech to win the parallel giant slalom in snowboarding World Cup.
305K Followers, 63 Following, 764 Posts - Ester Ledecká (@esterledecka) on Instagram: "Professional SNOWBOARDER/SKIER Olympic Games: 🥇🥇🥇 World Championship: 🥇🥇🥈 Small Globe: 🔮🔮🔮 Big Globe: 🔮🔮🔮🔮 Single World Cup: 28x🥇, 12x🥈, 8x🥉".
Ester Ledecká (Praga, 23 de marzo de 1995) es una deportista checa que compite en esquí alpino y snowboard, especialista en las pruebas de eslalon. 1 . Participó en tres Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno, entre los años 2014 y 2022, obteniendo en total tres medallas: dos de oro en Pyeongchang 2018, en esquí alpino en la prueba de supergigante ...
Ester Ledecká is a Czech skier and snowboarder. ️ In 2018, Ester Ledecká captivated the world when she won two gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in two completely different sports.
📲 Subscribe to @olympics: Ester Ledecka wins two gold medals at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang. Enjoy watching her best runs at t...
Ester Ledecká (* 23. března 1995 Praha) je česká snowboardistka a alpská lyžařka. Na Zimních olympijských hrách 2018 v Pchjongčchangu získala dvě zlaté medaile, když nejprve vyhrála superobří slalom v alpském lyžování a o týden později ovládla paralelní obří slalom na snowboardu. [2]
27 de mar. de 2024 · Ester Ledecka (CZE) is one of a kind. In the fifth episode of the "This is #FIS100 – Stories from the Love of Snow Sports" series, get to know the three times Olympic Champion a little better and discover the story behind the scene of the extraordinary week, when Ester won two Olympic gold medals in two different disciplines.