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  1. Biografía, carrera y estilo de la actriz y cantante estadounidense Ethel Merman, famosa por sus musicales de Broadway. Conoce sus éxitos, premios, matrimonios y fallecimiento.

  2. › wiki › Ethel_MermanEthel Merman - Wikipedia

    Ethel Merman was an American actress and singer who starred in many Broadway musicals and films. She had a distinctive, powerful voice and introduced many standards, such as "Anything Goes" and "Everything's Coming Up Roses".

  3. › name › nm0581062Ethel Merman - IMDb

    IMDb provides an overview of Ethel Merman's life and career as a Broadway musical comedy star and film actress. Learn about her roles, awards, trivia, photos, videos and more.

  4. Learn about the life and career of Ethel Merman, the star of Broadway musical comedy and film adaptations. Find out her birth and death dates, marriages, children, trademarks, trivia and quotes.

  5. Ethel Merman fue una actriz estadounidense de comedia y musical, ganadora de un Globo de Oro y nominada a otros premios. Conoce su biografía, sus películas y series más destacadas y sus colaboraciones con otros actores.

  6. 7 de ene. de 2024 · Watch Ethel Merman sing with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra in this 1975 concert. The video was aired in 1976 to celebrate the Bicentennial year of the United States.

  7. October 5, 1960.With Mitchell Ayres' Orchestra."Everything's Coming Up Roses" is a song from the 1959 Broadway musical Gypsy: ...