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  1. 11 de jul. de 2008 · 1. a person or thing that kicks. 2. Informal. a. a disadvantageous point or circumstance, usually concealed or unnoticed: The tickets are free, but the kicker is that you have to wait in line for hours to get them. b. a surprising change or turn of events: The kicker was that their friends knew it before they did.

  2. 14 de jul. de 2010 · You can use "Here's the kicker" with a negative meaning. Here's an example: My horrible daughter sneaked out last night and didn't come home until ten this morning. Here's the kicker: She told me to shut up and leave her alone when I asked her why. In this example "here's the kicker" means "here's the most shocking thing" or "here's ...

  3. 4 de jul. de 2020 · When a person says, “Here’s the kicker,” they are using an English expression to reveal something that is meant to be a surprise. There are colloquial / regional variations on this phrase, such as: here’s the kick; there’s the kicker; the real kick is; Ways this is Used

  4. here's the kicker. Ver más ejemplos de traduccion Inglés-Español en contexto para “here's the kicker ” here. a adv. 1 (=in this place) aquí. I live here vivo aquí. she's not here at the moment no está (aquí) en este momento. I'm not here to listen to your complaints no estoy aquí para escuchar tus quejas. here! (at roll call) ¡presente!

  5. here's the kicker. slang This next point is a really surprising or ironic twist or turn of events. Primarily heard in US. I just didn't understand why Susan was being so secretive about the account. Well, here's the kickershe had been using it to steal money from the company for years!

  6. Traducción de "Here's the KICKER" en español. aquí viene lo bueno. aquí está el truco. aquí esta el problema. aquí la sorpresa. este es el truco. he aquí el problema. aquí está lo bueno. aquí viene lo mejor. aquí está lo mejor. aquí está lo raro. Mostrar más. However, here's the kicker. Sin embargo, aquí viene lo bueno.

  7. Kicker, as in "here's the kicker", likely comes from poker. The kicker is a card used to break ties in hands of the same rank. The origin of that card's name (and how it is related to other kick idioms ) is more difficult to determine.