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    relacionado con: Hua jie
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  1. Switch Products. Tact Switch, Detector Switch, Slide Switch, Micro Switch, Keyboard Switch..... More.

  2. 华人街网是一个专门提供欧洲本地华人生活消费信息和情感交流的网上生活家园。. 专注华人生活,让华人享受时尚生活乐趣。.

  3. Hua-Jieのスイッチはラインアップが豊富であなたの人生を未来に変えます

  4. THE WORLD-CLASS PROFESSIONAL TOUCH SWITCH MANUFACTURER. Hua-Jie was established in 1989, and currently is headquartered in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Our purpose is committed to provide the best products to customers.

  5. › manufactures › hua-jieHua-Jie

    Hua-Jie With 30 years of R&D and production experience, we provide various switches and electroacoustic products manufactured for different industries. In addition to our headquarter in Taiwan, we also set up Suzhou plant, Yangzhou Plant, Changzhou Plant and Xiamen plant in China.

  6. 1 de dic. de 2020 · THE WORLD-CLASS PROFESSIONAL TOUCH SWITCH MANUFACTURER. | Hua-Jie was established in 1989, and currently is headquartered in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Hua-Jie specializes in the production of...

  7. 17 de may. de 2019 · THE WORLD-CLASS PROFESSIONAL TOUCH SWITCH MANUFACTURERHua-Jie was established in 1989, and currently is headquartered in Taoyuan, Taiwan.Our purpose is commi...

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    relacionado con: Hua jie
  2. ha recibido la visita de +1.000.000 usuarios el último mes

    Gran selección de marcas y modelos para la cama. Envío gratis con Amazon Prime