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Joseph Schuyler Long (1869 – October 31, 1933) was an American educator, author, and principal. He taught deaf children and authored the first standard picture dictionary of American Sign Language after becoming deaf himself as a child. He also wrote a book of poetry titled Out of the Silence.
Joseph Schuyler Long. 1869-1933. Deafened at age twelve from meningitis, Joseph Schuyler Long, entered the Iowa School for the Deaf soon thereafter and graduated three years later in 1884 at the age of fifteen.
J. SCHUYLER LONG, '89 The statement is frequently made that the increase of the oral method of teaching is driving the deaf from the profession, and soon, it is declared, there will be no demand for the deaf teacher. This is a fear in which I have never taken much stock. That the spread of oral teaching has had some effect in reducing the
J. Schuyler Long ha sido señalado como un destacado docente y escritor consumado de la poesía y prosa. Entre sus publicaciones figuran "Out of Silence", The Anthology Muse Silencio, así como el número de artículos que contribuyó a los trabajos profesionales.
J. SCHUYLER LONG, THE POETRY OF MOTION, American Annals of the Deaf, Vol. 52, No. 3 (MAY, 1907), p. 303
25 de sept. de 2009 · Out of the silence, a book of verse : Long, J. Schuyler (Joseph Schuyler), b. 1869. [from old catalog] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive. An arrow pointing downward at an empty document tray.
J. Schuyler Long, principal at the Iowa School for the Deaf and a graduate of Gallaudet University, developed in 1910 and reprinted in 1918 a handbook of signs used in ASL, incorporating detailed written descriptions of each sign with photographs illustrating each vocabulary term.