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Kojak: Fatal Flaw: Directed by Richard Compton. With Telly Savalas, Andre Braugher, Angie Dickinson, Steven Weber. Investigating the murder of a writer responsible for a Mob exposé, Kojak discovers that the dead man's wife is an old flame.
Kojak: Error fatal (TV) es una película dirigida por Richard Compton con Telly Savalas, André Braugher, Angie Dickinson, Steven Weber .... Año: 1989. Título original: Kojak: Fatal Flaw. Sinopsis: Investigando el asesinato de un escritor responsable de una revelación sobre la mafia, Kojak descubre que la mujer del muerto es un antiguo amor ...
Hace 6 días · En esta entrega, el icónico detective Theo Kojak, interpretado por Telly Savalas, se enfrenta a un complicado caso de asesinato que pone a prueba su astucia y determinación.
Investigating the murder of a writer responsible for a Mob exposé, Kojak discovers that the dead man's wife is an old flame.
Kojak: Fatal Flaw. The detective (Telly Savalas) reunites with his former lover while investigating the death of a man who exposed organized crime. Buy Kojak: Fatal Flaw on Prime Video.
Investigating the murder of a writer responsible for a Mob exposé, Kojak discovers that the dead man's wife is an old flame.
30 de nov. de 1989 · Kojak: Fatal Flaw es una película estrenada en el año 1989 dirigida por Richard Compton . Está protagonizada por Telly Savalas, Andre Braugher, Angie Dickinson...Investigating the murder of a writer responsible for a Mob exposed, Kojak discovers that the dead man's wife is an old flame.
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