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  1. Hace 6 días · One of the students inspired by Pitts and McCulloch was a young Marvin Minsky, then a 24-year-old graduate student. In 1951 (with Dean Edmonds) he built the first neural net machine, the SNARC. (Minsky was to become one of the most important leaders and innovators in AI.). Cybernetic robots

  2. Hace 1 día · In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published "Perceptrons", changing the direction of research in AI and contributing to the AI winter of the 1980s. In 1972 , Alan Kay developed the Smalltalk programming language and proposed the Dynabook concept in " A personal computer for children of all ages ."

  3. Hace 5 días · Computer scientist Marvin Minsky wrote on relationships between human and artificial intelligence beginning in the 1960s. Over the succeeding decades, this field continued to generate influential thinkers such as Hans Moravec and Raymond Kurzweil, who oscillated between the technical arena and futuristic speculations in the ...

  4. Hace 1 día · Los investigadores John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester y Claude Shannon suponían que podían programar y reproducir las funciones cognitivas humanas en una computadora: aprendizaje, cálculo, razonamiento, percepción, memorización y hasta el descubrimiento científico y la creatividad artística.

  5. Hace 1 día · Quian Quiroga proyectó escenas de algunas cintas, como Terminator 2, El planeta de los simios y 2001: Odisea del espacio, la cual calificó de innovadora, debido a que el director y guionista Stanley Kubrick tuvo una visión maravillosa de lo que podía llegar a ser una supercomputadora.Otro acierto relevante es que colaboró el científico estadunidense Marvin Minsky.

  6. Hace 2 días · This paper delves into the integration of social cognition in AI, tracing back to its historical foundations and examining seminal theories like Newell’s Bands of Cognition, Minsky’s Society of Mind, etc., which have emphasized the importance of social cognition since AI’s inception.

  7. 1:51:51 : Marvin Minsky III. Universal Agents 1:52:42 : Recap and intro 1:55:59 : Setup 2:06:32 : Bayesian mixture environment 2:08:02 : AIxi. Bayes optimal policy vs optimal policy 2:11:27 : AIXI (AIxi with xi = Solomonoff a priori distribution) 2:12:04 : AIXI and AGI 2:12:41 : Legg-Hutter measure of intelligence