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Mary Anna Custis Lee was the wife of Confederate general Robert E. Lee and the last private owner of Arlington Estate. She was the granddaughter of Martha Washington and a well-educated woman who edited and published her father's writings.
8 de jun. de 2021 · Learn about the life and legacy of Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee, the wife of Robert E. Lee and the owner of Arlington House. Explore her family background, education, marriage, children, religious beliefs, health, and role in the Civil War.
28 de jul. de 2019 · Mary Custis Lee was the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington and the wife of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. She lived at Arlington House, which became a Union army base and later a national cemetery, and suffered from illness and disability throughout her life.
Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee (1 de octubre de 1808 a 5 de noviembre de 1873) era bisnieta de Martha Washington y esposa de Robert E. Lee. Jugó un papel en la Guerra Civil Estadounidense, y su hogar legado familiar se convirtió en el sitio del Cementerio Nacional de Arlington.
Mary Custis Lee was the eldest daughter of Confederate general Robert E. Lee and a world traveler. She refused to attend her family's funerals, met royalty and nobility abroad, and was arrested for sitting with her black maid in a segregated streetcar.
Mary Custis Lee. NPS Image. Mary Custis Lee, the Lee’s eldest daughter, was born on July 12, 1835, at Arlington House. At the time of her birth, Andrew Jackson was president and the nation’s flag had 24 stars to represent a largely rural population of fewer than 20 million.
3 de may. de 2019 · Mary Anna Randolph Custis, daughter of landed gentry, and Robert E. Lee, son of a destitute family, at first glance appeared to be an odd match — not unlike the partnership of Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln (see Coastal Point’s April 26, 2019, issue).