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  1. Miranda May Kerr (Sídney; 20 de abril de 1983) [2] es una modelo y empresaria australiana, más conocida por haber sido uno de los ángeles de Victoria's Secret desde 2007 hasta 2013, y por ser la primera australiana en hacerlo.

  2. 14M Followers, 7,602 Following, 3,161 Posts - Miranda Kerr (@mirandakerr) on Instagram: "Founder & CEO of @koraorganics Miranda Kerr Home furniture @onekingslane 🏠".

  3. Miranda is the Owner, Founder & CEO of KORA Organics, she is also one of the most influential faces in the world of fashion, beauty, wellness and style.

  4. › wiki › Miranda_KerrMiranda Kerr - Wikipedia

    Miranda May Kerr (/ kɜːr /; born 20 April 1983) is an Australian model. She rose to prominence in 2007 as one of the Victoria's Secret Angels. Kerr was the first Australian Victoria's Secret model and also represented the Australian department store chain David Jones.

  5. 1 de sept. de 2023 · El nuevo curso comienza con la mejor noticia para Miranda Kerr: la numerosa familia que ha formado crece. La modelo de 40 años, que está casada con el empresario Evan Spiegel, va a ser madre de...

  6. A pioneer and trailblazer for what is now widely known as the ‘clean beauty’ movement, Miranda founded and self-funded KORA Organics in her home country of Australia in 2009. Miranda’s vision of global expansion and making KORA Organics a household name came to fruition as the brand began to expand globally in 2017.

  7. 25 de may. de 2023 · 25/05/2023 - 05:00. De ángel de Victoria’s Secret a empresaria de una de las primeras marcas de cosmética orgánica. Miranda Kerr puede presumir de haber apostado por una filosofía de belleza...

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