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  1. Conoce el perfil de Nelito Carlos Da Cruz, mediocampista de %{teamName} en - ESPN. Entérate de las últimas noticias, estadísticas en vivo y mira los highlights.

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  3. © 2008—2024 Base de Dades Històrica de Futbol. Col·laboren

  4. 8 de dic. de 2023 · Complete information about the player F91 Dudelange - da Cruz Nelito Carlos can be found on . You can get such data about the player da Cruz Nelito Carlos, last games with his participation, statistics in matches, schedule of future games. Actual information - Midfielder - da Cruz Nelito Carlos: Club - F91 Dudelange. Club Country - Luxembourg ...

  5. Latest on F91 Dudelange midfielder Nelito Carlos Da Cruz including latest news on ESPN

  6. Nélito Carlos dos Santos da Cruz (, 29/12/1985). Dudelange

  7. Nelito Carlos da Cruz stats, injuries ... on