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  1. Biografía de Otto Preminger, director de cine estadounidense nacido en el Imperio austrohúngaro. Conoce su trayectoria, sus películas, su familia y su legado en el cine.

  2. Otto Preminger was an Austrian-American director, producer and actor who made over 35 films in a five-decade career. He is known for his film noir mysteries, adaptations of popular novels and stage works, and his willingness to challenge censorship.

  3. Otto Preminger. Actor: Stalag 17. Otto Ludwig Preminger was born in Wiznitz, Bukovina, Austria-Hungary. His father was a prosecutor, and Otto originally intended to follow his father into a law career; however, he fell in love with the theater in his 20's and became one of the most imaginative stage producers and directors.

  4. 5 de dic. de 2023 · Las 10 Mejores Películas de Otto Preminger. El 5 de diciembre de 1905, nace el director de cine estadounidense de origen judeo-austríaco Otto Ludwig Preminger. Formado en el teatro como ayudante de Max Reinhardt, en 1934 inició su carrera en Broadway y en 1944 en Hollywood.

  5. A list of 40 films directed by Otto Preminger, an Austrian-born American filmmaker who worked in various genres from drama to comedy to film noir. See the titles, ratings, summaries, stars and IMDb data for each film.

  6. Otto Preminger fue un director de cine estadounidense de origen austríaco, que realizó películas como Laura, Anatomía de un asesinato y El rapto de Bunny Lake. Conocido por su estilo objetivo, realista y independiente, enfrentó los tabúes y los escándalos de Hollywood.

  7. Otto Preminger. Actor: Stalag 17. Otto Ludwig Preminger was born in Wiznitz, Bukovina, Austria-Hungary. His father was a prosecutor, and Otto originally intended to follow his father into a law career; however, he fell in love with the theater in his 20's and became one of the most imaginative stage producers and directors.