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    relacionado con: Paul Schimmel
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  1. Paul Reinhard Schimmel (born August 4, 1940) is an American biophysical chemist and translational medicine pioneer.

  2. Paul Schimmel (born 1954) is an American curator of contemporary art based in Los Angeles. Schimmel served as the chief curator of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), from 1990 until 2012, where he organized numerous exhibitions. [1]

  3. Paul Schimmel is a biochemist and biophysicist who studies aminoacyl tRNA synthetases and their roles in disease and cell signaling. He is a former president of the American Chemical Society and a member of several national academies and journals.

  4. The laboratory uses methods and logic of molecular and cell biology, chemistry, and structural analysis to more deeply investigate these novel functions that have a fundamental role in maintaining organismal homeostasis, and in developing and regulating nervous, vascular, and immunological systems.

  5. Articles 1–20. ‪Professor, The Scripps Research Institute‬ - ‪‪Cited by 46,868‬‬ - ‪Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases‬.

  6. El libro organizado por Paul Schimmel fue publicado originalmente en ocasión de la exposición Out of Actions: Between Performance and the Object, 1949-1979, organizada por el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Los Ángeles (MOCA) en 1998. Comprende los ensayos de destacados historiadores y críticos de arte.

  7. Entre la performance y el objeto, 1949-1979 comisariada por Paul Schimmel para el Museum of Contemporary Art de Los Ángeles. Producto de esta muestra, el museo publicó este opúsculo, reproduce íntegramente el texto "Salto al vacío. La performance y el objeto" del que propio Schimmel.

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    relacionado con: Paul Schimmel
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