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  1. Peggy Guggenheim was born in New York on August 26, 1898, the daughter of Benjamin Guggenheim and Florette Seligman. Benjamin Guggenheim was one of seven brothers who, with their father Meyer (of Jewish Swiss and German origin), had created a family fortune in the late nineteenth century from the mining and smelting of metals, especially silver, copper, and lead.

  2. 21 de dic. de 2015 · Peggy Guggenheim wearing a pair of earrings made for her by Alexander Calder; 1950s. The daughter of Benjamin Guggenheim, she inherited a not inconsiderable sum of money after the death of her ...

  3. 5 de jul. de 2021 · It’s fascinating to know how Peggy Guggenheim conquered the world of modern art, especially in times of war. She was born in 1898 in New York in a wealthy Jewish-American family. She inherited her fortune at a very young age, after the tragic death of her father on the luxury British steamship Titanic in 1912. She was always a rebel.

  4. Abierto hasta las 19:00 h. Abierto de martes a domingo, de 10:00 a 19:00 h. Excepto en las siguientes fechas, en las que el Museo cerrará a las 20:00h: – En verano (de 17 junio a 22 septiembre). Lunes abiertos: 25 de marzo, 1 de abril, lunes del 17 de junio al 22 de septiembre, 23 y 30 de diciembre. El Museo permanecerá cerrado los días 25 ...

  5. Solomon R. Guggenheim’s niece, Peggy Guggenheim (1898–1979), was a self-described “art addict” who sought to distinguish herself from her business-oriented relatives and make her mark on the world through collecting and traveling in avant-garde circles. Peggy’s collections, galleries, and museum were all stamped with her distinct ...

  6. Conservation Department. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation’s commitment to the conservation of the works of art at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni acknowledges their exceptional intrinsic and historic importance, and serves the Foundation’s mission to consign the works to future generations.

  7. Peggy Guggenheim (1898-1979) representa tal vez uno de los casos paradigmáticos donde las lindes entre su actividad pública como coleccionista y su vida privada están premeditadamente difuminadas, brindando así la equívoca posibilidad de hacer con ella tanto biografía del arte como arte de lo meramente biográfico.