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  1. NIB JERRY LEWIS CD: PHONEY PHONE CALLS: 1959-1972 Collection of 12 Prank Calls | Music, CDs | eBay! Hauptinhalt anzeigen. Stöbern in Kategorien. Stöbern in Kategorien. Geben Sie Ihren Suchbegriff ein Erweitert: Angebote; Hilfe & Kontakt; Verkaufen; Mein eBay Mein eBay einblenden ...

  2. 27 de feb. de 2014 · • CD: “Phoney Phone calls 1959-1972”: Years before the Jerky Boys were harassing unwitting shop clerks, housewives and businessmen, Lewis perfected the art, as these recordings show. Released in 2001 on the Sin-Drome label, this is a collection of private prank calls secretly recorded by Jerry Lewis over the years. • 48-Page Storyboard Book

  3. 請選擇您想要搜尋的類別 ...

  4. コンビニ受け取り送料無料! Pontaポイント使えます! | Phoney Phone Calls 1959-1972 | Jerry Lewis | US 盤 | CD | 8961 | HMV&BOOKS online 支払い方法、配送方法もいろいろ選べ、非常に便利です!

  5. 5 de jun. de 2011 · Треклист с участием тексты из альбом PHONEY PHONE CALLS 1959-1972 [2001] из Jerry Lewis, включая лучшие песни: ... › Jerry Lewis › альбомов › Phoney Phone Calls 1959-1972. Album updated, review now! Tracklist. 01. McIntosh Clothes. 02. Turner's Drugs. 03. Camera Shop ...