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  1. Hace 5 días · For Fans Of: Mystery, Crime, Drama, Thriller Reasons to Watch if you Love Sidney Poitier: Sidney Poitier shines in this groundbreaking drama as Virgil Tibbs, a black detective from Philadelphia who must navigate racial tensions while solving a murder in a small southern town. With an Oscar-winning performance by Rod Steiger, this film showcases Poitier's incredible talent and powerful presence ...

  2. Hace 2 días · The Simpsons. 1989 58K membros 35 estações 770 episódios. Homer e Marge vivem em Springfield com os seus três filhos, Bart, Lisa e Maggie. Ela é uma mãe que fica em casa e ele trabalha na central nuclear da cidade. Bart tem 10 anos e está fora de controlo, enquanto Lisa, 8, é a mais talentosa da família. Maggie, ainda um bebé, não ...

  3. Hace 9 horas · Fireworks on the big screen. If you only watch one patriotic action film starring Harrison Ford, make it 1997’s “Air Force One.”. Sure, “Clear and Present Danger” and “Patriot Games ...

  4. Hace 5 días · They Call Me Trinity also known as My Name Is Trinity, is a 1970 Italian spaghetti western comedy film starring Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. Over 70 filmgoers have voted on the 40+ Best G-Rated Western Movies. Current Top 3: True Grit, Chisum, Support Your Local Gunfighter.

  5. Hace 4 días · O Mais Longo dos Dias. Em 1944, o Exército dos Estados Unidos e as forças aliadas planejam uma enorme invasão na Normandia, França. Apesar do mau tempo, o general Eisenhower dá permissão para os aliados entrarem na Normandia. O general Norma Cota viaja com seus homens para a praia de Omaha. Com muito esforço e vidas perdidas eles saem da ...

  6. Hace 2 días · This year I watched “Across the Bridge,” a 1957 suspense film starring Rod Steiger as an American business tycoon who goes on the lam before his financial crimes can be exposed.

  7. Hace 4 días · Andy Steiger is the founder and president of Apologetics Canada Ministries (AC). He passionately engages pressing issues related to our humanity from a Christian perspective. He has presented at various venues such as Cambridge University on philosophical issues related to Artificial Intelligence, provided ethical guidelines on robotics for the United Nations, and addressed legal concerns over ...