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Hace 22 horas · Le comité de campagne de Kamala Harris tente de ramener quelques grands noms du Parti républicain dans ses filets. Une pêche aux voix en eaux adverses qui, par le passé, avait rapporté gros à Richard Nixon ou à Ronald Reagan.
Hace 6 horas · In the movies and on TV, Presidents of the United States receive all the attention. From Abraham Lincoln to John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan, it’s the Presidents that get the big feature film ...
Hace 4 horas · Former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton told CNN he won't vote for Donald Trump but he may now write in Ronald Reagan for president instead of Dick Cheney.
Hace 22 horas · The National Park Service (NPS) approved two projects Thursday that they said will improve access and safety for people traveling to and from DCA.
Hace 22 horas · Als erster US-Präsident seit Ronald Reagan kommt Joe Biden zu einem Staatsbesuch nach Deutschland. Er will auch die Holocaust-Überlebende Margot Friedländer treffen.
Hace 22 horas · Šéf Bieleho domu navštívi Nemecko prvýkrát od jeho znovuzjednotenia v roku 1990. Takúto návštevu naposledy uskutočnil prezident Ronald Reagan v roku 1985 vo vtedajšom západnom Nemecku, keď bol kancelárom Helmut Kohl.
Hace 22 horas · The property has hosted Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush, as well as Sen. Bob Dole. Both Bush and Dole stayed at the property’s lake house during separate visits.