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  1. 31 de ene. de 2008 · However in this case, it seems that, generally, Secretary General is preferred rather than General Secretary for most of the prestigious organisations: probably because in English most of the times there is more 'status' attributet to words going back to Romanic roots.

  2. 14 de feb. de 2012 · Either is fine. If there is a difference, it's probably that "personal assistant to the executive vice president" sounds like a complete job title, whereas with the second example it sounds like her job title is "personal assistant" and it just so happens that she is working for the executive vice president.

  3. 17 de ene. de 2013 · The secretary of an organization, for example, records and issues minutes of the group's meetings, among other duties. And the members of the US President's cabinet, who head the various executive departments, also have that title: Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, etc.; these are top executives.

  4. 9 de dic. de 2009 · Hola a todos!!! Me gustaria saber un poco sobre las reglas de las contracciones en inglés, ya que me lio un poco. Se que por ejemplo en las respuestas cortas no deben usarse: Are you Italian? "Yes, I am" y no "Yes, I´m" y si la respuesta es negativa, sería: "No, I´m not" mejor que "No, I am...

  5. 1 de abr. de 2011 · Hey guys, If I fax a document to my friend, should I ask him 1) Have you received it? or, 2) Did you receive it? Thanks in advance. Please help!

  6. 13 de jun. de 2014 · Hello. I have a question how to include two recipients in a business letter, using ATTN: (or maybe FAO) in a situation like this below [1]. [1] Mr. John Smith, Director ATTN: Ms. Marilyn Monroe ABC Corporation 1234 XYZ Street Tokyo, Japan 12345 Is this odd? Will this look better if I change...

  7. 1 de ene. de 2019 · She was appointed secretary to the managing director. They were voted (as) representatives of the company. He was made a delegate to the international congress. Are these the kind of examples you want?

  8. 7 de ago. de 2008 · I read your question as asking for our opinions on the following sentences: He is in a position as Marketing Manager for/with a company.

  9. 13 de may. de 2015 · There are no hard and fast rules, and we just use our judgement tempered by our understanding of the cultural norms and expectations appropriate to the circumstances. "Dear Mr Ban", or "Dear Secretary General" sound appropriate to me. We don't do "Mr Prime Minister" (it's just "Prime Minister") in the way AE speakers do "Mr President".

  10. › threads › en-atención-a-su-escrito-sin-número-de-fechaEn atención a su escrito sin número de fecha

    18 de mar. de 2014 · Yikes, can someone help me with this? En atención a su escrito sin número de fecha 13 de marzo del año en curso, recibido por este departamento a mi cargo, por medio del cual solicita se le informe la situación que guarda ante este secretaria Mi intento To whom it may concern, with no...