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  1. 1 de sept. de 2000 · 土耳其(杰森•斯坦森饰)是一位黑市拳击的经理人,不过他遇到了麻烦,本该参加比赛的选手被吉普赛人米奇(布拉德•皮特饰)一拳击倒。土耳其不得不选择在黑帮老大布里克(阿兰•福特饰)与吉塞人之间周旋,来获得生...

  2. 14 de abr. de 2014 · Hi there, I'm trying to understand a blues song by Junior Wells titled "Snatch it back and hold it". I'll give you the first lines of the song so that you have the conext: Snatch it back and hold it Baby one more time I ain't doing too bad, baby I got you on my mind Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

  3. 9 de sept. de 2017 · SNATCH [or GRAB or JERK] BALDHEADED: To defeat thoroughly, thrash, beat up, manhandle, treat roughly, etc. (hence) to stun, amaze. (Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Dictionary of American Regional English) << Admittedly I'm not from the south of the USA, or even American.

  4. 5 de ene. de 2019 · They're all correct. But, steal, in this context, has a positive connotation: the player has won possession when he wasn't expected to do so. Snatch and grab mean to take suddenly and abruptly. They don't have any positive connotation.

  5. 8 de feb. de 2007 · Hi all!! I would like to know how to use each one of these verbs in the correct context. The Spanish translation for all of them is "coger" or "agarrar" but I'm sure there is a different use for all of them. For instance, if I tell my one year-old baby "coge la pelota del suelo", should I...

  6. 27 de nov. de 2011 · Snatch (2000) 看完了AFI100继续补完IMDB250系列。现在没写的IMDB250电影就剩三十多部了,努力努力就完成了! 本片讲述围绕着一颗钻石引发的黑吃黑。一个抢匪在比利时安特卫普抢劫了一颗很大的钻石和一些小钻石。

  7. 16 de mar. de 2017 · 盖·里奇代表作之一《偷拐抢骗》(Snatch)将被翻拍成电视剧,定由“罗恩” 鲁伯特·格林特主演。电影讲一群画风各异的罪犯争夺一枚钻石,布拉德·皮特,本尼西奥·德尔·托罗,杰森·斯坦森等出演。电视版剧...

  8. 30 de ago. de 2006 · Predominantly, most of regular verbs ending in -tch built its past and participle tense with -ed i.e. fetch, scratch, snatch, snitch, switch, watch. Loob Senior Member

  9. 7 de feb. de 2009 · Would anyone please enlighten me on common ways of saying "to go to a karaoke place and sing songs"? Would you say - Let's go karaoke - Let's go to karaoke - Let's go and karaoke - Let's go karaokeing - Let's go singing at karaoke - Let's go singing at a karaoke - Let's go to a karaoke ...

  10. 禁锢《The Big Snatch 1971》 这篇影评可能有剧透 美国早期电影中,有一类题材就是关于禁锢的,这是一片软核电影,没有特别出彩的地方,但是剧情出人意料; 这男人开着皮卡,一直在街上物色他喜欢的美女,然后直接下手, 绑架,手法简单粗暴, 然后,把她们用链条锁起来, Uschi Digart Tracy Handfuss ...