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  1. Stanisława Leszczyńska (born on May 8, 1896 in Łódź, died on March 11, 1974 in Łódź) – a Polish midwife imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp, a volunteer called "Mother" and the Handmaid of the Catholic Church.. In 1916, she married Bronisław Leszczyński and lived with him in Warsaw. There, Stanisława began her studies at the Obstetric School.

  2. Stanisława Leszczyńska. Stanisława Leszczyńska (Łódź, 8 maggio 1896 – Łódź, 11 marzo 1974) è stata un'ostetrica polacca che, durante la sua detenzione nel campo di concentramento di Auschwitz durante la seconda guerra mondiale, prestò assistenza a circa tremila partorienti.Solo una trentina di quei neonati sopravvissero tuttavia allo sterminio e alle durissime condizioni del campo.

  3. Stanisława Leszczyńska was born on May 8, 1896 in Bałuty, in one of the poorest districts of Łódź. Her father Jan Zambrzycki did not have a regular job, he worked as a carpenter occasionally and her mother worked at the Poznański’s textile factory.

  4. Stanisława Leszczyńska. Mama – Stanisława Leszczyńska – pracowała jako położna do 1957 roku. Swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem, ale przede wszystkim życzliwością i niesamowitą empatią służyła kobietom. Podczas II wojny światowej razem z mężem angażowała się w pracę organizacji podziemnych.

  5. Stanisława Leszczyńska. Siamo drammaticamente abituati a pensare come in un campo di concentramento non ci possa essere che morte e desolazione, ma ci fu una donna che si batté strenuamente per la vita. Stanisława Leszczyńska, un’ ostetrica polacca, al suo arrivo al campo di concentramento di Auschwitz decise di mettere a disposizione le ...

  6. 22 de dic. de 2016 · Stanisława Leszczyńska’s story is a heroic story of resilience, of personal courage, of integrity and of love. Hers is a story about choosing the light of life amid the deepest darkness. It is a story for our time, in which unfreedom, violence, hate, narcism and lovelessness are slowly overshadowing our hope and our freedom to think and act according to our consciences and our hearts.

  7. Stanisława Leszczyńska (Łódź, 8 de maio de 1896 — 11 de março de 1974) foi uma matrona de Polónia mundialmente conhecida como A parteira de Auschwitz por ter estado presa no campo de extermínio de Auschwitz, onde assistiu as prisioneiras no nascimento de aproximadamente 3 000 crianças. [1]Em 1916 Stanisława casou-se com Bronisław Leszczyński, que foi o pai de seus quatro filhos e ...