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  1. Takeda Nobuyoshi (武田 信義, September 11, 1128 - March 31, 1186, or later than 1194) was a samurai lord of the late Heian and early Kamakura period. He founded the Takeda clan and was the father of Ichijō Tadayori. He was also known as Takeda Tarō.

  2. Takeda Nobuyoshi (武田 信吉, October 18, 1583 – October 15, 1603) was a Japanese daimyō of the early Edo period. He was the son of shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. Life. Born Tokugawa Fukumatsumaru (福松丸), he was one of Tokugawa Ieyasu's sons. His mother is believed to have been Otoma, the daughter of Takeda clan retainer Akiyama ...

  3. Cuando Yoritomo fue derrotado en Ishibashiyama (1181), Takeda Nobuyoshi pidió ayuda por lo que el clan Takeda envió un ejército de 20,000 hombres en su ayuda. Takeda Nobumitsu (1162-1248) ayudó al clan Hōjō durante la Guerra Shōkyu de 1221 y en recompensa recibió la Provincia de Aki.

  4. Takeda Nobuyoshi (武田 信吉, 18 de octubre de 1583 - 15 de octubre de 1603) fue un daimyō japonés del período Azuchi-Momoyama, primer hijo de Tokugawa Ieyasu (el primer shōgun Tokugawa). El feudo de Mito estuvo a su cargo desde julio de 1602 hasta su muerte y era valorado en 150.000 koku.

  5. › wiki › Takeda_clanTakeda clan - Wikipedia

    When Yoritomo was first defeated at Ishibashiyama (1181), Takeda Nobuyoshi (1128–86) was applied for help, and the Takeda sent an army of 25,000 soldiers to support Yoritomo. Takeda Nobumitsu (1162–1248), son of Nobuyoshi, fought against the Taira, against Kiso Yoshinaka (1184), distinguished himself in the Battle of Ichinotani ...

  6. Tokugawa Ieyasu 3 ( 徳川 家康? 31 de enero de 1543 – 1 de junio de 1616; nacido como Matsudaira Takechiyo) fue el fundador y primer shōgun del shogunato Tokugawa, el régimen feudal que gobernó Japón desde la batalla de Sekigahara, en 1600, hasta la Restauración Meiji en 1868.

  7. The sanctuary also served as the guardian shrine of the Takeda clan, which ruled Kai Province (present-day Yamanashi) from the 1100s until 1582. The connection dates back to Takeda Nobuyoshi, the founder of the clan, who had his coming-of-age ceremony at the shrine and changed his family name from Minamoto to Takeda.