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Biografía de Ted Kennedy, senador demócrata de Massachusetts y hermano de John y Robert Kennedy. Conoce su vida política, sus logros, sus fracasos y su muerte en 2009.
Learn about the life and career of Ted Kennedy, a prominent Democrat and member of the Kennedy family who served as a senator from Massachusetts for 47 years. He was known for his oratorical skills, liberal policies, and health care reform efforts.
21 de ago. de 2024 · Learn about the life and achievements of Ted Kennedy, the U.S. senator from Massachusetts and a prominent leader of the Democratic Party and liberal politics. Find out about his family background, his involvement in the Chappaquiddick incident, his advocacy for social welfare and health care, and his awards and honors.
18 de jul. de 2018 · Se cumplen 39 años del trágico episodio que impidió que Ted Kennedy llegase a la Casa Blanca y convirtió a una secretaria en víctima de esta dinastía americana.
2 de abr. de 2014 · Known as the "Lion of the Senate," Democrat Ted Kennedy was a staunch liberal who was elected to Congress nine times, spearheading many legislative reforms.
26 de ago. de 2009 · El estar bajo las sombra de los logros de sus hermanos mayores, desaparecidos e idealizados por el público estadounidense, ejerció enorme presión sobre Ted Kennedy. Se vio asediado por el...
19 de mar. de 2010 · Learn about the life and career of Ted Kennedy, the youngest brother of President John Kennedy and a long-serving U.S. senator from Massachusetts. Explore his achievements, controversies, marriages, family tragedies and death.