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20 de sept. de 2021 · No, we make a call. 😊. Would it still be "make" if it is in the context of counting the number of SCHEDULED video calls you have done/made in a 30-day challenge of practicing your spoken English with other participants? "I did 15 video calls in this challenge" Or "I made 15 video calls in this challenge"?
15 de jun. de 2015 · Jun 15, 2015. #1. Hi , I am attending a phone meeting..they ask me whether I joined or not. which one is correct to say..I am already on the call/ In the call. likewise..need to enquire another person joined or not by telling his name..
3 de abr. de 2009 · My advice to non-native speakers : use "What do you call X". It is correct, it is natural, and it is the structure used by anglophones in 99% of cases. I do not believe that "How do you call X" is correct. Clearly certain other people do, but in my opinion they are in the minority, and if you are aiming to speak correct English, go with "what".
30 de ago. de 2021 · It's British Parliamentary debate or debating of British Parliamentary style, a major form of academic debate. I've taken part in several BP debate competitions, and before they start, the chair of the debate usually "does a roll call". "Take a roll call" and "call the roll" are both good, of course. I was just saying some native speakers out ...
18 de abr. de 2008 · New Member. En finanzas, "Cash call" se utiliza en situaciones de préstamos. Por ejemplo, un inversor otorga un préstamo para un proyecto por valor de 100 millones. Desde luego, no todo este importe se utiliza de inmediato; por consiguiente, el ejecutor del proyecto solicitará fondos (will cash call) a partir de este préstamo, según los ...
16 de ene. de 2007 · El 'call light' se utiliza en los hospitales para avisar a la enfermera que cierto paciente necesita ayuda en su habitación. Ahora sí que no tengo ni idea. ¡Gracias!
18 de ene. de 2015 · Jan 18, 2015. #2. 1) "on the phone"=" by means of the phone". This is right, yakor. In this sentence "on the phone" means "by means of the phone." 2) "on the phone"="to the phone" (I was called by her to the phone) Fluent English-speakers would almost certainly use "to the phone". "On the phone" is confusing if you mean to say that you called ...
26 de sept. de 2018 · It redirects the 'callout' search to call-out and it says: call-out noun 1 an instance of being summoned to deal with an emergency or do repairs: [as modifier] a call-out charge.2 Printing a letter, word, number, or symbol identifying an illustration or a specific part of one. a short piece of text set in larger type than the rest of the page ...
12 de nov. de 2017 · Yes, but the context/register seems off here. “Make a/the call” sounds too informal for an official government decision. It’s often used for a decision made by a referee in sports, or a decision made by someone’s boss on how they should format their report, someone’s friend on where the group will go for dinner, etc.
14 de abr. de 2020 · I mean a video conference or conference call (via Skype Business, in my case), not a phone call. Since I've been working from home I'm very often in a call (beats face-to-face meetings any day, people tend not to waffle so much ).