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The Facts of Life is a long-running American sitcom that aired from 1979 to 1988, featuring Charlotte Rae as a housemother at an all-girls boarding school. The series explored various topics such as morality, friendship, identity, and social issues through the lives of the girls and their teachers.
With Lisa Whelchel, Kim Fields, Mindy Cohn, Nancy McKeon. Mrs. Edna Garrett, housemother and dietitian at the Eastland School, teaches a group of girls in her charge how to solve those problems that every teenager has to face.
The Facts of Life (Los hechos de la vida, en Hispanoamérica, en España no fue estrenada) es una serie de televisión estadounidense creada por Dick Clair y Jenna McMahon, spin-off de Diff'rent Strokes.
The Facts of Life. Top-rated. Wed, Feb 24, 1982. S3.E18. Runaway. Even though her parents refused to give her permission to go with Mrs. Garrett and the older girls, Tootie runs away to New York to meet up with them. There, she meets a teenage prostitute who tries to recruit her into her line of work. 8.6/10. Rate. Top-rated. Wed, Apr 27, 1983.
Watch Mrs. Garrett (Charlotte Rae) move into her new position at Eastland in the very first episode of The Facts of Life. From Season 1, Episode 1 'Rough Housing': Cindy decides not to...
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A classic comedy series about four girls and their housemother at a boarding school in New York. Watch episodes online on various platforms or learn more about the cast and characters.