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  1. 24 de ene. de 2011 · You're "in" the office if you mean to emphasise your physical location, inside a room where one works. You're "at" the office if you are at a place of work, but not emphasising a specific room. So, "I need to have a printer in the office", but "I'm at the office, but I'll come home to see you soon."

  2. I am used to saying "I am in India.". But somewhere I saw it said "I am at Puri (Oriisa)". I would like to know the differences between "in" and "at" in the above two sentences.

  3. 本网页收集了多个知乎用户对WPS Office和Microsoft Office两款办公软件的对比和评价,从付费、生态、操作习惯、功能 ...

  4. 18 de oct. de 2012 · Learn the difference between "located in" and "located at" from the experts of English Language & Usage Stack Exchange, a community of linguists and enthusiasts.

  5. 2 de mar. de 2013 · Registry: noun (plural registries) a place or office where registers or records are kept. But yeah, it also says that a registry too can mean a list. And I think 'Registry' is used more in the former context than the later. Even while talking in context of computers we say things like 'Windows Registry'.

  6. While Americans wouldn't say "call me on this number," they do say "call me on this line," as in Call me on this line instead of the main office or Call me on my landline; I don't get cell service in my apartment. –

  7. 本文介绍了office365的不同版本和申请渠道,以及如何通过KMS激活或免费订阅获取office365的方法。注意,这些方法可能存在风险和不稳定性,建议只用于学习或测试,不要用于商业用途。

  8. 13 de ene. de 2016 · On is most likely right in this case but not necessarily. If it's on the bookshelf next to your desk, and you're in another room, at your desk is just enough information for your colleague to know how long it will take to fetch it.

  9. 19 de dic. de 2011 · Officemate, office-mate, office mate, roommate, bed mate, mincemeat, mince-meat, minced meat, etc. There is no official spelling for such compounds, which are formed ad libitum in spoken English. Whatever looks good to you will work; English readers are mostly cooperative. If anyone objects, you can write it off as being simply peevage.

  10. Once out of office, the individual reverts to whichever title or honorific applied before he or she held office, although as a courtesy, "once an Honorable, always an Honorable." Thus, Governor Howard Dean of Vermont, "by the book," became upon retirement Dr. Howard Dean, and would be addressed as Dr. Dean, but might be introduced as The Honorable Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont.

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