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  1. Proposal to Implement a New Computing Architecture. Stating “to implement,” instead of “for implementing,” shows that you are primarily proposing to do something instead of doing nothing. That you are as well offering a description of what to do is implied. As SimonWhite indicated, there is no need to start with “A” or “The ...

  2. 3 de ene. de 2012 · proposal is a well developed plan intended for a formal offering, like that for marriage, and it is generally expected to be approved, or, let's say its degree of expectancy as to be approved is above average, while proposition is conjectural and hypothetical and may be rejected or approved. Proposition's weight is far lighter than proposal.

  3. The first translator used "proposals" for small phrases to be used by the software operator, but my experience says that "suggestions" is more appropriate. The small size of the phrases, with or without commitment, was enough to make it a suggestion and not a proposal, which is always more extensive as the above examples show.

  4. (3) A proposal carries the speaker's endorsement of the idea or activity being proposed; it's like saying you think this should happen. It is often, but not always, used in a more formal context than the word offer. You may see the phrase "business proposal" or "marriage proposal." E.g.

  5. 6 de jul. de 2012 · A quote from "A valency dictionary of English" (Herbst et al. 2004: 25), with some modifications: A. Agree can mean 'be of the same opinion'. (i) People can agree on or about a particular topic or issue. (ii) A person can agree with another person on or about a particular topic or issue. (iii) A person can agree that something is the case.

  6. 11 de nov. de 2015 · Another view is "I take no objection to your proposal" may indicate a slightly more personal view of the proposal. This is because the term "taking objection" something is generally used when someone personally takes offence or personally objects to something. Whereas "I have no objection to your proposal" is slightly less personal.

  7. Hi I'm still learning English and I rather have problems with grammar. So my question is can I use I concur with this statement instead of I agree with this statement Is it weird?

  8. 5 de ago. de 2014 · Your understanding of the meanings conveyed by the words is sound, but it's your understanding. In the way they are generally used, there is considerable overlap in the 'meaning' conveyed by them When my trainee teachers wrote lesson plans, they knew exactly how to word their aims and objectives, and would be corrected if they use these words inappropriately.

  9. 17 de sept. de 2014 · would be asked in order to gain agreement from the other person that a proposal is acceptable, e.g. "Is it OK with you if we meet at 6 instead of 7?" Incidentally, the emphasis in the pronunciation is generally not the same for both. In the first the stress is usually on the "K" of "OK". In the second, the stress is on "you".

  10. 27 de sept. de 2013 · I'd back that proposal. then I think it's an acceptable usage (although you run the risk of something thinking you've said an eggcorn, when perhaps you haven't). Perhaps you should simply say: I second that idea. to remove all doubt. If someone doesn't like that use of the verb second, you've got quite a few authors backing you up.

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