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The Recruit is an American spy adventure television series created by Alexi Hawley for Netflix. The show follows Owen Hendricks (Noah Centineo), a CIA lawyer who becomes involved in massive international conflicts with dangerous parties after an asset tries to expose her relationship to the agency.
16 de dic. de 2022 · Título original: The Recruit. Sinopsis: Una incipiente abogada de la CIA se ve envuelta en una peligrosa política de poder internacional cuando un antiguo activo amenaza con exponer la naturaleza de su relación a largo plazo con la agencia, ...Puedes ver El nuevo empleado (Serie de TV) mediante Suscripción en las plataformas ...
The Recruit: Created by Alexi Hawley. With Noah Centineo, Fivel Stewart, Aarti Mann, Colton Dunn. Owen Hendricks, a CIA lawyer becomes involved in massive international conflicts with dangerous parties after an asset tries to expose her relationship to the agency.
Noah Centineo returns as CIA lawyer Owen Hendricks in The Recruit Season 2. Learn everything about his next mission here.
El nuevo empleado es una serie 'thriller' de acción que sigue a Owen Hendricks, un joven abogado que acaba de empezar a trabajar para la CIA.
2 de sept. de 2024 · The Recruit season 2 is set to begin filming on January 4th, 2024, and run for over three months, with the original scheduled wrap date set for March 21st, 2024.
Season 1 – The Recruit. A fledgling CIA lawyer gets caught up in a dangerous game of international politics when a former asset threatens to expose the nature of her relationship with the...