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  1. 『じゃじゃ馬ならし』(英原題:The Taming of the Shrew)は、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアによる喜劇。 シェイクスピアの初期の戯曲の1つであり、1594年に執筆されたと考えられている。. 導入部分がついた枠物語としてはじまる芝居であり、この戯曲ではいたずら好きな貴人がクリストファー ...

  2. The Taming of the Shrew was first published in the 1623 First Folio, and that text is generally the source for subsequent editions. The only complication is a 1594 quarto titled The Taming of A Shrew that is not ascribed to Shakespeare and which has an uncertain relationship to The Shrew.While there are plot similarities, much of A Shrew is different from The Shrew, including character ...

  3. Globe Theatre. modifier. La Mégère apprivoisée (en anglais The Taming of the Shrew) est l'une des premières pièces de William Shakespeare, et l'une de ses trois premières comédies (avec La Comédie des erreurs et Les Deux Gentilshommes de Vérone ). Probablement écrite en 1594, elle comporte cinq actes .

  4. The Taming of the Shrew (en italiano: La bisbetica domata) (La mujer indomable en España y La fierecilla domada en Hispanoamérica) es una película de 1967 basada en la obra de teatro homónima de William Shakespeare sobre un noviazgo entre dos personas de voluntad fuerte. La película fue dirigida por Franco Zeffirelli e interpretada por Elizabeth Taylor y Richard Burton como Kate y ...

  5. La bisbetica domata (The Taming of the Shrew, letteralmente in italiano L'addomesticamento della bisbetica) è una commedia di William Shakespeare.. L'opera, divisa in cinque atti scritti sia in versi che in prosa, narra di Petruccio, avventuriero veronese, che sposa e soggioga l'intrattabile Caterina di Padova, attirato soprattutto dalla sua dote.. Particolarmente incerta è la sua data di ...

  6. Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung von Charles Robert Leslie. Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung (engl.The Taming of the Shrew) ist eine Komödie von William Shakespeare.Das Werk spielt in der italienischen Stadt Padua und handelt von dem reichen Kaufmann Baptista und den Umständen der Heirat seiner beiden Töchter Bianca und Katharina. Shakespeare hat das Werk vermutlich spätestens im Sommer 1592 ...

  7. The play begins with an Induction, which establishes a frame for the main plot. The drunken beggar Christopher Sly gets thrown out of a tavern and falls asleep. A noble lord passing by finds him and decides to play a joke on him. He dresses Sly up in noble clothes and convinces him that he is a wealthy nobleman who has recently been mad and had ...