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  1. Biografía de Thomas Cromwell, estadista y abogado inglés que sirvió al rey Enrique VIII como secretario de Estado y ministro principal. Conoce sus orígenes, su carrera política, su papel en la disolución de los monasterios y su ejecución en 1540.

  2. Thomas Cromwell was a powerful English statesman and lawyer who served as chief minister to King Henry VIII from 1534 to 1540. He played a key role in the English Reformation, the annulment of Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, and the downfall of Anne Boleyn.

  3. 22 de may. de 2020 · Thomas Cromwell (en torno a 1485-1540) sirvió como primer ministro de Enrique VIII de Inglaterra (que reinó de 1509-1547 d.C.) desde 1532 a 1540.

  4. Thomas Cromwell fue un político inglés que fue consejero de Enrique VIII y promotor de la Reforma en Inglaterra. Conoce su vida, su carrera, su papel en el matrimonio del rey con Ana de Clèves y su trágico final.

  5. 24 de jul. de 2024 · Thomas Cromwell (born c. 1485, Putney, near London—died July 28, 1540, probably London) was the principal adviser (1532–40) to England’s Henry VIII, chiefly responsible for establishing the Reformation in England, for the dissolution of the monasteries, and for strengthening the royal administration.

  6. Hace 2 días · Learn about the life and career of Thomas Cromwell, an English statesman who helped Henry VIII break with Rome and dissolve the monasteries. Find out how he rose and fell from grace, and why he was executed in 1540.

  7. 22 de may. de 2020 · Learn about the life and achievements of Thomas Cromwell, the chief minister to Henry VIII of England who masterminded the English Reformation and the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Find out how he rose from a humble background to become a powerful adviser and reformer, and why he was executed in 1540 CE.