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  1. Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (Siracusa, Nueva York; 3 de julio de 1962), más conocido como Tom Cruise, es un actor y productor de cine estadounidense que ha ganado tres Premios Globo de Oro, un Premio Saturn y una Palma de Oro Honorífica.

  2. › wiki › Tom_CruiseTom Cruise - Wikipedia

    Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (born July 3, 1962) is an American actor and producer. Regarded as a Hollywood icon, [1][2][3] he has received various accolades, including an Honorary Palme d'Or and three Golden Globe Awards, in addition to nominations for four Academy Awards.

  3. › name › nm0000129Tom Cruise - IMDb

    With handsome movie star looks and a charismatic smile, within 5 years Tom Cruise was starring in some of the top-grossing films of the 1980s including Top Gun (1986); The Color of Money (1986), Rain Man (1988) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989).

  4. 28 de may. de 2022 · Tom Cruise, la última verdadera estrella de cine Ahora que los superhéroes dominan la taquilla, la industria cinematográfica apuesta por el actor para atraer a los adultos a las salas de cine...

  5. Tom Cruise es un actor y director nacido en el año 1962 en Estados Unidos conocido por Top Gun (Ídolos del aire), Misión imposible, Rain Man, Minority Report, El último samurái, La guerra de los mundos, Misión imposible 2, Entrevista con el vampiro, Collateral y Eyes Wide Shut.

  6. 12 de ago. de 2024 · Actor Tom Cruise has been one of the most prominent movie stars in Hollywood dating back to the 1980s. After developing an interest in acting during high school, he rocketed to fame with his...

  7. The Official Tom Cruise Website: Featuring Tom Cruises biography, filmography, links to social media accounts, and information about his latest films. TOM CRUISE is a global cultural icon who has made an immeasurable impact on cinema by creating some of the most memorable characters of all time.

  8. Hace 4 días · Tom Cruise (born July 3, 1962, Syracuse, New York, U.S.) is an American actor who emerged in the 1980s as one of Hollywood’s most popular leading men, known for his clean-cut good looks and versatility.

  9. 27 de may. de 2022 · Top Gun: Maverick: Directed by Joseph Kosinski. With Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly. The story involves Maverick confronting his past while training a group of younger Top Gun graduates, including the son of his deceased best friend, for a dangerous mission.

  10. 13 de jul. de 2023 · Las 17 mejores películas de Tom Cruise: ranking de peor a mejor. Desde 'El color del dinero' hasta 'Algunos hombres buenos' y pasando por muchas en las que el neoyorquino corre como alma que ...

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