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  1. Thomas B. Kin "Tommy" Chong 1 (Edmonton, Alberta; 24 de mayo de 1938) es un actor, comediante y músico canadiense - estadounidense. Es reconocido por su trabajo con el también actor y comediante Cheech Marin, con el que formó el dúo Cheech & Chong, además de interpretar a Leo en el programa That '70s Show.

  2. › wiki › Tommy_ChongTommy Chong - Wikipedia

    Tommy Chong is a marijuana activist and supports legalizing the plant's use. [7] He is a regular contributor to Cannabis Culture Magazine and sits on the NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) advisory board.

  3. 3M Followers, 860 Following, 13K Posts - Tommy Chong (@heytommychong) on Instagram: "Comedian, Actor, Writer, Activist, Musician, Dancer and occasionally smokes a little bit of pot, @tommychongcannabis".

  4. › name › nm0001045Tommy Chong - IMDb

    Tommy Chong was born on 24 May 1938 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is an actor and writer, known for Up in Smoke (1978), Zootopia (2016) and Cheech and Chong's Next Movie (1980). He has been married to Shelby Chong since 1975.

  5. Tommy Chong was born on 24 May 1938 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He is an actor and writer, known for Up in Smoke (1978), Zootopia (2016) and Cheech and Chong's Next Movie (1980). He has been married to Shelby Chong since 1975.

  6. › channel › UC8zFqnBShY71OMKPX4SNtyQTommy Chong - YouTube

    Comedian, Actor, Writer, Director, Activist, Musician and occasionally smokes a little bit of pot, man. @cheechandchong.

  7. Tommy Chong. Thomas B. Kin "Tommy" Chong (Edmonton, 24 de maig de 1938) és un actor estatunidenc naturalitzat, còmic, director, guionista i músic, [1] conegut per ser membre, juntament amb Cheech Marin, del duo còmic de fumadors de plantes Cheech & Chong[2][3] i per interpretar el paper de Leo Chingkwake al sit-com That '70 Show.

  8. Tommy Chong es un actor y guionista nacido en el año 1938 en Canadá conocido por Jo, ¡qué noche!, Aquellos maravillosos 70 (Serie de TV), Como humo se va, Seguimos fumando, Cómo flotas, tío, Vendemos chocolate, El destete de los hermanos corsos, Todo está muy duro, Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie y Pasado de rosca.

  9. › es › Tommy_ChongTommy Chong - Wikiwand

    Thomas B. Kin "Tommy" Chong es un actor, comediante y músico canadiense-estadounidense. Es reconocido por su trabajo con el también actor y comediante Cheech Marin, con el que formó el dúo Cheech & Chong, además de interpretar a Leo en el programa That '70s Show.

  10. Tommy Chong (born May 24, 1938) is a Canadian-American comedian, actor and musician who is well-known for his stereotypical portrayals of hippie-era stoners. He is most widely known for his involvement in the marijuana-themed Cheech & Chong comedy movies with Cheech Marin, as well as playing the character Leo on Fox's That '70s Show.