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At UC Riverside you won’t just take classes—you’ll take action. Powered by a great education, world-leading research, and knowledge-driven impact, our students are transforming the nation and the world.
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Tomatoes in space: UC Riverside scientists making big...
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UC Riverside is on the rise. A member of the world’s most...
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La Universidad de California, Riverside es una universidad pública co-educacional de la red de la Universidad de California que se localiza en la ciudad de Riverside, Condado de Riverside, California.
The University of California, Riverside (UCR or UC Riverside) is a public land-grant research university in Riverside, California. It is one of the ten campuses of the University of California system.
At UC Riverside, learning happens both inside and outside of the classroom. An education here is rooted in dozens of exceptional major programs, led by extraordinary faculty members whose aim is to support and empower our students.
UC Riverside is on the rise. A member of the world’s most prestigious public university system, ours is an institution powered by an entrepreneurial spirit, a record of innovation and results, and a commitment to excellence and collaboration across disciplines.
Learn how to apply to UC Riverside, a top-tier research university in the heart of Southern California. Check out majors, academic requirements, and deadlines.
UC Riverside. Few universities are as distinguished as UC Riverside. With over 60 years of research, we’re proud to be ranked among the top 1% of universities in the world. But it’s about more than just rankings. The students here come from just about everywhere and anywhere.