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Hace 4 días · Intellectual rigor. Social justice. Self-reflection. They’re knitted together in every facet of your Georgetown experience – in your studies, your research, your interactions with faculty and the career decisions you make.
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Georgetown is both mind and heart, providing a rigorous and...
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Georgetown is the best of both worlds – a warm and nurturing...
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New Building to Expand Georgetown’s Capitol Hill Presence,...
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At the Georgetown University Medical Center, biomedical and...
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Our need blind admissions policy and support for first...
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Georgetown Neuroscientist to Lead $2.5 Million National...
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Home Events Events Please note: The inclusion of an event on...
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With Georgetown’s deep expertise, grounding in Catholic and...
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Hace 5 días · McCourt’s location in our nation’s capital provides students with unprecedented access to the policy research, experts, conversations, and opportunities they crave to accelerate and deepen their professional impact. 5th Ranked in International Policy and Administration. 10th Ranked in Public Policy Analysis.
Hace 3 días · Sobre su elección, Steinberg ha declarado que ocupar la Cátedra Príncipe de Asturias de la Fundación Endesa en la Universidad de Georgetown es un "auténtico privilegio".
Hace 4 días · Georgetown Neuroscientist to Lead $2.5 Million National Science Foundation Project on Creativity in STEM Professor Adam Green's project will investigate how creativity affects and predicts the success of undergraduate engineering students inside and outside of the classroom.
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Hace 3 días · Federico Steinberg Wechsler, profesor titular de Análisis Económico de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ha sido elegido para dirigir la Cátedra Príncipe de Asturias en la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington DC.
Hace 3 días · Para Steinberg, "ocupar la Cátedra Príncipe de Asturias de la Fundación Endesa en la Universidad de Georgetown es un auténtico privilegio.
Hace 5 días · Georgetown University Economics Department. The Georgetown Center for Economic Research (GCER) is housed within the Department of Economics at Georgetown University. For more information about the Department of Economics, please click here.