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  1. 6 de nov. de 2020 · V for Vendetta landed on Blu-ray a whopping 12 years ago, and is arguably long overdue an upgrade, with Warner remastering it in full 4K for this release (or, at least, using a 4K master for it, even if they likely had it prepped for some time) and doing a solid job despite some heavily stylised and intentionally dystopian future/past stylisation in the source material.

  2. 26 de jun. de 2020 · Links: - HMV - WB Shop UK - Zavvi Ultimate Collector's Edition: - HMV - WB Shop UK - Zavvi Release date: 02/11/2020 New Special Features on 4K UHD Disc: V for Vendetta Unmasked Natalie Portman’s Audition: Explore the depth of Evey’s character with Natalie...

  3. 1 de dic. de 2009 · Purchase links: - HMV - Zavvi Release date: 22/01/2024 Status: Available to Pre-order Global re-run of the 2018 Mondo Steelbook range, previously released exclusively in Italy and Germany. On-Disc Special Features: James McTeigue & Lana Wachowski in Conversation: Looking...

  4. 《V字仇杀队》是一部反映暴政的电影,原著和电影有很大的不同,原著更黑暗更极端,电影更符合好莱坞主旋律。知乎用户分享了他们对电影的看法,有的赞扬,有的批评,有的分析,有的感慨。

  5. 6 de feb. de 2023 · I assume this is old news but I couldn't believe it. Apparently in the final season, "Pennyworth : The Fantabulous Adventures of Bruce Wayne's Tea Trolley" also decided to have a crack at sticking V for Vendetta in there, up to and including V, or at least someone who looks / acts like him, turning up in one episode.

  6. v滥杀无辜 v虐待女主 以色列屠杀平民 亚速营举纳粹旗 港废砖头拍死路人火烧路人 资本主义维护贫富阶级永存,奴役永存。 在病毒面前,资本主义懒得关心弱势群体半年。 这么多明确的事实记录,还有人在自以为v是讽刺中方。

  7. 而《v for vendetta》中,v与艾薇共赏他钟爱的《基督山伯爵》电影结尾处有一个情节:伯爵与海黛幸福地腻在一起,伯爵对海黛说,去寻找属于你自己的树吧。海黛听着,满含笑意望着伯爵。 结合着来看,我认为,“树”象征:能够长久陪伴的爱人。

  8. 在未来英国的极权统治下,一位名叫伊维(娜塔莉·波特曼 饰)的年轻女子死里逃生,被一名叫v(雨果·维文 饰)的带面具怪人救出,v具有不可思议的战斗能力,其诡计变化多端,手段极其残忍。

  9. Vendetta在牛津词典中的解释为“家族世仇,团伙仇杀”。其中“家族”、“团伙”代表的都是多个人,所以电影名称中的“队”也就不难理解了。 从电影本身理解. 电影中最最最表面的理解就是V一个人推翻了英国政府。

  10. 9 de jul. de 2023 · I've read a bit of Morrison's work, but I would say Moore still has them beat. Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Killing Joke, Swamp Thing, For the Man Who Has Everything, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. That's not to say Morrison isn't quality, of course. That being said, creating hierarchies for such subjective stuff is a bit of a crapshoot.