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瓦萨學院(英語: Vassar College )是在美国 纽约州 波啟浦夕市的一所私立,男女同校的文理學院,校园是由超过1,000亩(4.0平方公里)的土地和100多栋建筑组成,其中包括两个美國國家歷史名勝,建筑风格迥异,由学院哥特式到国际样式不等,建筑的设计时间跨度超过了学院的历史,前后由一批优秀 ...
瓦萨学院成立于1861年,以建立者纽约酿酒商马修·瓦萨命名。成立之初是一所 女子学院 ,最早的校名是“Vassar Female College(瓦萨女子学院)”,但这一校名很快就遭到创始者马修·瓦萨否定,因为马修希望有一天瓦萨学院能够成为男女合校的学院。 第一位瓦萨学院的教职员是天文学家 Maria Mitchell 。
Vassar is actively seeking to enroll qualified men and women who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Financial Aid Vassar’s financial aid program meets 100% of demonstrated need for all four years.
The Vassar College Archives document the history of the college from its founding in 1861 to the present and include publications, administrative records, architectural drawings, audiovisual collections, and artifacts. Education at Vassar was also shaped by the study of art.
Hauptgebäude Vassar College, Stich von 1864. Das Vassar College ist eine US-amerikanische Elitehochschule in Poughkeepsie im Bundesstaat New York.Es wurde 1861 von Matthew Vassar nach dem Vorbild des 1855 eröffneten Elmira College als College für Frauen gegründet, 1969 jedoch im Rahmen der Koedukationsbestrebungen an privaten Hochschulen Vorreiter bei der gemeinsamen Ausbildung von ...
Vassar is from everywhere. A world-class education is built on worldwide communities. Our students come from 49 states and 53 countries. They represent a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and aspirations, forming a vibrant community that will prepare you to lead in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. 25,282 likes · 1,341 talking about this · 93,778 were here. Vassar College is a highly selective, coeducational,...