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  1. 艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日),英国女作家、文学批评家和文学理论家,意识流文学代表人物,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。

  2. Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.

  3. Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since ithighlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.

  4. When, therefore, Virginia Woolf wrote in 1925 of Wollstonecraft`s A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman that they felt like books so true that they seem now to contain nothing new in them, it was more a wishful than an accurate statement of the case.

  5. 二、简介 1.作者简介 艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日),英国女作家、文学批评家和文学理论家,意识流文学代表人物,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。

  6. Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.

  7. 随后进入了伦敦国王学院女子系,在那里她系统学习了古希腊语、中级拉丁语、德语、经典文学和历史,在剑桥兄弟的影响下,她们姐妹结识了很多年轻人,也认识她以后的丈夫伦纳德·伍尔夫(Leonard Woolf),很快这些人就组织了一个午夜读书会。

  8. Virginia Woolf's provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the "poetic" novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.

  9. 关于弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫,有一个流传至今的说法,认为她人如其名(Virginia中的virgin,意为处女),是个性冷淡者:极有耐心,就像雪花石膏做的雕像,同时思维敏捷。 当然,一九一二年,她和伦纳德还没结婚,她就曾坦言,说她在他身上感觉不到肉体魅力。

  10. 19 de jun. de 2012 · 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

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