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Westminster School is a leading independent school in the UK, offering a broad and challenging curriculum, co-education and a range of co-curricular activities. Located in the heart of London, the School has a rich history and a diverse community of pupils and staff.
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- Admissions
Each year Westminster School offers Lower School (Years 9 to...
- Registration Age Checker
Tuesday 24 September 2024. An information event for parents...
- 7+, 8+ and 11+ Entry
Information regarding 7+, 8+ and 11+ entry can be found on...
- Scholarships and Bursaries
Westminster School
- International Applicants
Westminster School is closed over half-term holidays and for...
- School Fees
Westminster offers a variety of Academic and Music...
- Open Days
The best way to learn about entry to Westminster School at...
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As a private, coeducational boarding and day, college-preparatory school for students in grades 9-12 and postgraduates, Westminster School surrounds young people with smart, accomplished and resourceful adults who instill in their students the desire to pursue excellence in everything they do.
Westminster School is a public school in London, England, with a history dating back to the 14th century. It is known for its academic excellence, Oxbridge acceptance rate, and notable alumni such as John Locke and three Nobel laureates.
Westminster is a coeducational Christian, independent day school for grades pre-first through 12, committed to creating an educational experience where bright, curious, motivated students who are nurtured by challenge can grow into leaders of conscience.
The Royal College of Saint Peter in Westminster, más conocida como la Westminster School, es una de las escuelas independientes más importantes del Reino Unido.
Learn how to apply for a place at Westminster School, a leading independent school in London, for boys and girls at 13+ and 16+. Find out about registration timelines, fees, scholarships, bursaries and information events.
Welcome to Westminster, a leading academic school in the centre of London. A passionate, purposeful and progressive place to study, our pupils discover a deep love for learning and respect for the tradition of scholarship, as well as an openness to fresh ideas and innovative ways of thinking.