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  1. Chemical Compatibility Database. Begin Compatibility Search: CHEMICAL TO MATERIAL. CHEMICAL TO CHEMICAL. Use dropdowns below to select a Chemical, and compare against ALL MATERIALS or any specific material. 1. CHEMICAL. 2. MATERIAL. VIEW COMPATIBILITY. WARNING.

  2. 9 de nov. de 2017 · Use our chemical compatibility database as a general guide to help you learn if the material of the labware you want to select is compatible with the chemicals you are using. Learn more about caring for your glassware. Also check for safety gloves and chemical compatibility.

  3. 17 de ago. de 2022 · Cole-Parmer offers great online tools to help make chemical compatibility selection more efficient: The General Chemical Compatibility Table is the most comprehensive and should be used as a reference for most fluid handling applications. Ensuring adequate protection for hands is equally important when working with chemicals.

  4. Seleccionar un filtro. Determine el tamaño de partícula que se debe retener o filtrar. Las membranas retendrán todas las partículas de tamaño igual o mayor al tamaño del poro designado. Evalúe la compatibilidad química entre el filtro de membrana y el líquido o gas que se debe filtrar.