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  1. Visititaly zeigt dir die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um Cremona: Denkmäler, Residenzen und Paläste, mittelalterliche Burgen, Kirchen, Museen, Gärten, Straßen, Plätze. Entdecke was du bei einem Tagesausflug sehen und unternehmen kannst.

  2. Capital of music from the Violin Museum to the Auditorium and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cremona is also the city that gave rise to the famous torrone. Find out all the best tourist attractions in Cremona at the Official Tourism Website of Lombardy.

  3. 26 de jun. de 2019 · Cremona is a city in northern Italy famous for its production of high-quality violins. Cremona has a picturesque historic center with most sights clustered around the main square, Piazza del Comune. The city is well worth a visit and can easily be seen as a day trip from Milan but is also a fine place to spend a night or two.