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  1. Daniel Robert «Danny» Elfman (Los Ángeles, California, 29 de mayo de 1953) es un compositor, músico, cantautor y productor discográfico estadounidense.

  2. › wiki › Danny_ElfmanDanny Elfman - Wikipedia

    Daniel Robert Elfman (born May 29, 1953) is an American film composer, singer, songwriter, and musician. He came to prominence as the lead singer and primary songwriter for the new wave band Oingo Boingo in the early 1980s. [3]

  3. › name › nm0000384Danny Elfman - IMDb

    Danny Elfman. Music Department: The Nightmare Before Christmas. As Danny Elfman was growing up in the Los Angeles area, he was largely unaware of his talent for composing.

  4. www.dannyelfman.comDanny Elfman

    ELFMAN / BURTON MISC Folder: Media. Back. Photos Videos Elf-Store Events About Sign up for Danny Elfman’s mailing list! Email Address. Sign Up. We respect your privacy. Thank you! CONTACT TERMS OF USE. Website by Melisa McGregor, ...

  5. Uno de compositores estadounidenses más reconocidos. Composiciones: Los Simpson, Alicia en el país de las maravillas, Avengers: Age of Ultron... Género: New wave. Padres: Blossom Bernstein y Milton Elfman. Cónyuges: Geri Eisenmenger, Bridget Fonda (m. 2003) Hijos: Oliver, Lola, Mali. Nombre: Daniel Robert Elfman.

  6. Danny Elfman (Los Angeles, Califòrnia, EUA, 29 de maig de 1953) és un compositor estatunidenc de bandes sonores, destacat per les seves col·laboracions amb en Tim Burton. Els seus pares van contractar un professor particular i el van matricular en el conservatori de música, però Danny ho va deixar tot per a aprendre pel seu compte.

  7. For over 30 years, four-time Oscar nominee Danny Elfman, has established himself as one of the most versatile and accomplished film composers in the industry.

  8. Danny Elfman es un compositor y personaje nacido en el año 1953 en Estados Unidos conocido por Los Simpson (Serie de TV), Men in Black (Hombres de negro), Big Fish, Eduardo Manostijeras, Batman, El indomable Will Hunting, Misión imposible, Pesadilla antes de Navidad, La novia cadáver y Mars Attacks!

  9. › channel › UCjhIy2xUURhJvN0S7s_ztuwDanny Elfman - YouTube

    Danny Elfman - YouTube. @dannyelfman. •. 133K subscribers4 videos. Bigger. Messier. – A brand new genre-defying record of remixed and reimagined versions of songs from Big Mess....

  10. Danny Elfman. Music Department: The Nightmare Before Christmas. As Danny Elfman was growing up in the Los Angeles area, he was largely unaware of his talent for composing.