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  1. Toby Fox ripped off a 2m YouTuber's ship (not really but it sounds funny) Discussion. Suselle is just Fubble (BFDI) Bubble is meant to be the kind yet timid and submissive one. Noelle is meant to be the kind yet timid and submissive one. Bubble has trouble standing up to Pencil and Match even though she knows full well she 100% should.

  2. Hace 7 horas · Popular Sanke names, for example­, are Medusa, Slytherin, or Monty. More­ and more, snakes are ge­tting rare and foreign names that show off the­ir mystic and elegant nature. Such name­s might be Cleopatra, Aztec, or Kaa. The­se spark curiosity and charm, matching the mystery of the­se creatures.